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Monday, June 23, 2008

REVIT Fundamentals

REVIT Fundamentals
The power of a database is that information can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. By using a fixed categorization structure in REVIT, you’re able to quickly identify elements, control their visibility and graphics, and generate reports based on this information. The data is highly structured, but you have tremendous liberty when it comes to the representation of that data. This flexibility lets you have as many Revit Views as you want and/or need to convey your design intent. Every Revit View is a filtered, graphical representation of an underlying database, and you’re free to make as many Revit Views as you deem necessary.
The sooner you embrace this concept and start exploring the opportunities it presents, the better. If you can’t get your drawing to look just right, chances are you just haven’t dug deep enough. Throughout this book, we’ll give you more suggestions and techniques that we hope will inspire you to go that extra mile and start thinking outside the box.
In this chapter, you’ll learn the fundamental principles of REVIT parametric elements and how data is organized in REVIT. You’ll also get an overRevit View of the graphical user interface and walk through the basics of selection and object manipulation.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to do the following:?
Work with and understand REVIT parametric elements?
Use the REVIT user interface?
Use the Project Browser?
Navigate Revit Views and Revit View properties
Working with REVIT Parametric Elements
Every element in REVIT is considered a family, and each family belongs to a category. Figure 2.1 shows the basic REVIT object model. In this section, we’ll discuss how REVIT organizes all these fam- ilies into categories and why this makes sense from a workflow and consistency point of Revit View. Then, we’ll look at the different types of families, the principles of their behavior, and how to create them.

Figure 2.1
The essential
categorization of
REVIT elements
REVIT uses a classification system to organize all the families (content) in the model. This system of organization is based specifically on the AEC industry and is set up to help manage relationships between classes of elements as well as the graphical representation for each class. To see all the cat- egories available in a REVIT Project, go to Settings Object Styles (see Figure 2.2).
Figure 2.2
The Object Styles dialog box
At the core of this organization is a fixed list of categories to which all elements ultimately belong. Although this may seem stringent, it works well and will help you maintain a consistent graphical representation across your projects. As you can see, every element belongs to a category, and that category is either a model or an annotation object. In addition, each element is either 2D or 3D in nature. Whenever the mouse hovers over an element, a tooltip appears and tells you what kind of element it is and what category it belongs to (see Figure 2.3). If you aren’t working in a worksharing
REVIT Element
Revit View
(multiuser) project, then the first bit of text in the tooltip tells you what category the element
belongs to. If you’re in a worksharing project, the category is preceded by the name of the workset
containing the element. (See Chapter 20 for more detail on worksharing.) The next part of a tooltip
tells you the family name, and then comes the family type. So, the tooltip follows this logic:
Workset : Category : Family Name : Family Type
Figure 2.3
Using tooltips to define elements. The element on the left is
part of an unshared project and omits the
workset name; the element on the right
is part of a workset named Shell and Core.
Model Categories
Model Object categories, the first tab in the Object Styles dialog, includes all the real-world types of objects typically found in buildings. These object categories include the usual elements such as walls, floors, roofs, and furniture, along with other categories that makes sense in an architectural project. For 2D elements that represent real-world objects, the category Detail Element is provided. Examples of 2D detail elements are insulation and detail components that represent real objects but are represented only in detail Revit Views. In REVIT, these objects are not modeled as 3D elements, but added as 2D representations, as shown in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4
Details such as this steel connection at the roof are composed of
2D elements.
For elements that don’t fit into any obvious category, there is the Generic Models category. This can be used for objects such as fireplaces, theatre stages, and other specific design elements. If you’re not sure exactly what you’re making, you can always create it as a generic element. If you

later decide that any element needs to be recategorized, that’s not a problem—you can reassign the
element to a new category at any point.
With the exception of the detail elements, model elements appear by default in all Revit Views. In
other words, if you draw a wall in plan, it will show up in any other applicable plans, elevations,
sections, and 3D Revit Views. Remember, you’re working on a single building model—all Revit Views in REVIT
are just different ways to look at the model. Detail components, on the other hand, appear only in the Revit View in which they were placed.
As we’ll discuss in more detail shortly, you can turn on and off the visibility of any category or element, in any Revit View. For example, say you’ve placed furniture in your model. The furniture is 3D geometry and will be visible by default in many Revit Views. REVIT lets you turn off the visibility of the furniture in one floor plan while leaving it visible in another floor plan. The furniture isn’t deleted; it’s made visible or not depending on the information you need to convey in particular drawings.
Because model elements appear in all other Revit Views, two types of graphic representation are defined for each category: projection and cut, as shown in the Object Styles dialog in Figure 2.2. The projection graphics define the graphics for the element in elevation, 3D Revit Views, or any other Revit View where the element isn’t being cut by the Revit View. The cut graphics define how the element will look when cut by sections and plan Revit Views. Typically, the section cut graphic is bolder than the projection lines, to emphasize that the element is being cut by the Revit View plane. (Surface and cut patterns are always drawn with line weight 1 and can’t be made thicker.) Figure 2.5 shows how wall line weight differs between the cut and projection. Also notice that patterns are applied to the walls and floors. Patterns can be added to give additional graphic representation to a material and are always drawn with a thin line weight.
Figure 2.5
Cut and projection graphics are defined
for each element.
cut lines
projection lines
Categories also make it easy to interchange elements. You can swap out elements of the same
category with a few clicks of the mouse. This streamlines the process of editing the model by lim-
iting choices to those that make sense. For example, you can swap a lighting fixture with another
lighting fixture by selecting the element and then seeing what other lighting fixtures are available
in the Type Selector. Choosing another type swaps out the type instantly.
REVIT is smart about this interchange—it offers only different types of the same category of ele- ments. For example, when you select a door, you don’t get a list of plumbing fixtures to swap it with; you get a list of other door families.
Annotation Categories
Annotation object categories include all the annotations, symbols, and descriptive data added to a Revit View to describe the building. These are listed in the second tab of the Object Styles dialog. Most annotations are Revit View-specific 2D elements and appear only in the Revit View in which they were created. Examples include dimensions, tags, callouts, and text notes. Annotations such as sections, levels,
and grids are 2D graphics, but they have 3D characteristics and appear in other Revit Views. These elements (levels, grids, sections) appear in many Revit Views thanks to BIM application functionality. Levels,
grids, and section marks extend throughout the model and can be edited from multiple Revit Views. You don’t need to draw these elements in each Revit View as separate, disconnected graphics. With REVIT,
they’re truly 3D annotations. The only caveat to this statement is that they don’t appear in 3D Revit Views.
Within each category can be many subcategories that let you control graphics with finer precision. This is what makes the concept of categories so much more powerful and natural to work with than layers. For example, looking at a door, you can see that the category Doors (Figure 2.6) has a set of subcategories that relate to sub-elements in the door assembly. For example, you see Elevation Swing, Frame/Mullion, Glass, Opening, Panel Swing, and any other user-defined elements that
can be made when creating a door family. Each subcategory can be assigned an independent line weight, color, and pattern.
Figure 2.6
Subcategories allow finer graphic control
over categories.
Dependent Revit Views
There is an exception to the rule that annotations appear in only one Revit View. With dependent Revit Views, anno- tations are shared between Revit Views, so that if you change the annotation in one Revit View, it affects other Revit Views as well. This feature was added in the 2008 release.

Imported Categories/Subcategories
When a CAD file is imported into REVIT, all of its layers are represented as subcategories in the
Imported Objects tab of the Object Styles dialog. Layers have a projection line weight, a color, and
a pattern.
These can be overridden at any time to suit your requirements. Each import appears as a cate- gory in this dialog, as shown in Figure 2.7. There is no need to remap CAD layers into REVIT taxon- omy. If you’re used to the layer conventions set up in CAD, these will be mapped directly into the Object Styles dialog with same names, line weights, and colors.
Figure 2.7
Imported CAD layers represented as
Imported File Limitations
There is no Cut line style for DWG, DXF, and DGN files. These files are just sets of lines, and lines can have only one line weight thickness.
take-offs. Although these are more abstract to think of as Revit Views, they’re still parametric windows
into the model. Throughout the book, you’ll be asked to make Revit Views, and we’ll guide you through
various methods for making Revit Views convey specific information about your design.


For example, walls can be attached to roofs, and if the roof changes to a new shape or size, all
walls attached to the roof automatically adapt to the roof shape. Figure 2.8 shows that changing a
roof pitch automatically adjusts other roofs and walls to keep them joined.
Figure 2.8
Changing the roof pitch updates walls
Another powerful manifestation of interrelated relationships occurs between walls, floors,
roofs, components, and levels. They all have explicit relationships to levels, so that if a level changes elevation, all elements associated with that level update automatically. Not only does the base of the walls attached to a level change, but the tops of the walls attached to this level also change. This is fundamentally different from many other BIM software applications, where elements under- stand where they’re placed in plan but not in section. Similarly, when you change the size of a room by moving walls, you’re changing not only the wall, but also everything that wall affects in the model: the size of the room (area and volume), color-fill diagrams, ceilings, and floors. The doors and windows within the wall move with the wall, and any dimensions to that wall automatically update.
Adjusting a Level and Roof Slope to Meet Design Requirements
In a real-world project, the height of a level is bound to change in the design process, which in turn will change floor-to-ceiling heights and roof locations and will influence the building’s overall height. Consider a sce-
nario in which keeping the top of the roof below a maximum height was a design requirement. Not to worry—with REVIT, changing the height of levels at any point in the process updates all dimensions and elements associated with that level.
REVIT tries to keep things joined and connected in order to eliminate huge amounts of tedious editing. You’ll begin take it for granted after a few days with REVIT, but remember: When you drag a wall that has other walls attached to it, those other walls will automatically stretch with your move. Not only that; but rooms, dimensions, floors, components, and tags will also move. Of
Changing the Top of Roof level pushed the roof peak too high. By editing the roof and changing its slope
parameter, we lowered the roof height, and all the walls attached to the roof updated to reflect the
change. There was no need to edit the walls independently in order to get the correct results.
With one edit, we changed the level height. The walls and roof updated immediately.
With an edit to the roof property for slope, the roof updated, as did the walls attached to it.

course, if you don’t want all this intelligent behavior, REVIT provides escape hatches. For example,
if you right-click a wall’s end control, you can disallow it from joining other walls (see Figure 2.9).
Or, you can select Disjoin from the Options bar once you’ve selected a wall and then select the move
command—doing so will detach the smart relationships between the wall and the rest of the model
and treat the wall as an independent entity.
Figure 2.9
By right-clicking the end of a wall join, you can
stop the wall from auto- joining to other walls.
This parametric behavior extends to annotations and sheet management, as well. Tags aren’t simple graphics and text: They’re interactive graphical parameters of the element being tagged. To edit a tag is to edit the element or tag family, and vice versa. This is also known as a bidirectional association: You can edit the elements and the tag and maintain consistent data. A great example is easily demonstrated with a Revit View and a sheet. When you place a section Revit View onto a sheet, the section key automatically references the sheet number and detail number on the sheet. Change the sheet number, and the section tag updates instantly. This is what a real parametric engine is and what ensures total coordination of documentation. You’ve probably heard this phrase before, but it’s worth repeating: The parametric engine guarantees that a “change anywhere is a change everywhere.”
During the design phase, you may want to apply some dimensional rules to the design and make sure they aren’t altered. These rules might be a minimum hallway width for code compliance, or a maximum office square footage for a particular user. Whatever the restriction, REVIT dimensions make it possible to lock it down and create a constraint. This constraint is independent, but it’s related to the dimension. If you delete the dimension, you can keep the constrained condition and know that the model will maintain those relationships. The point is that a dimension can be much more that a 2D annotation.
These design rules are used all the time, but not many software applications let you capture this design intent in the model. If you run a dimension string from level to level and lock the dimensions (as in Figure 2.10), you’re locking the relationship between these elements in the whole model. By locking down elements, you make it harder for other elements in the model to break this important design intent, and thus you keep the model more intact and predictable.
Here’s another example: You may want your door jamb always positioned 4? (25cm) from the wall corner; or you may want three windows in a room to be always positioned at equal distances. By locking this relationship, you embed design intent into the model. If one element moves,
the other element also moves. REVIT also provides a less explicit, automatic way to associate ele- ments to other elements. When an element is selected, there is an option to make the element move with nearby elements; REVIT will make its best guess as to which elements drive other elements to move.
Figure 2.10
Design intent can be
locked down by add-
ing constraints.
REVIT Families
REVIT families are used to create your model. There are three over-arching methods for creating families in REVIT:
System families
Standard families
In-place families
The difference between them lies in their creation method, in what context they’re created, and the types of parameters available. Let’s reRevit View each of these types of families.
System Families
Model system families are made up of a limited set of types: walls, roofs, ceilings, stairs, railings, ramps, mullions, curtain panels, and toposurfaces (topography). See Figure 2.11 for examples of system families. These families are created in the context of each project using some predefined types. These families also have various creation methods that are specific to the type of the family. For example, to make walls, you can just start drawing (placing a wall), whereas to make a floor or roof, you enter a sketch mode in which you define the outer shape with lines that then generate a 3D model of the floor. For stairs and railings, you enter a more detailed sketch mode that has addi- tional features not available in floors or roofs. When making toposurfaces, you use a sketch mode that lets you edit 3D points specific to toposurfaces.
You can create new types of system families by duplicating existing types and editing their parameters. If you’ve been using REVIT for any length of time, then this method of duplicating a type to create new types should be familiar territory for you.
(You can’t create new categories in REVIT. These categories are predefined within REVIT and lim- ited to the list available. This is primarily to maintain control over the graphics from project to project.)

Figure 2.11
System families
If you aren’t sure whether an element is a system family, open the Element Properties dialog and check the family name. Embedded in the family name, you can see whether the element is a system family. Figure 2.12 shows that a Basic Wall and a Section are both system families.
Figure 2.12
System families include model and
annotation elements.
System families are also used for many annotation categories such as sections, elevations, levels, grids, text, and dimensions—they aren’t limited to model elements.
Although you can’t save a system family outside of your project to a shared library as a stand- alone component, it’s possible to reuse system families in other projects. To transfer system families between projects, choose File Transfer Project Standards to display the Select Items To Copy win- dow (Figure 2.13). This dialog gives you a feel for the number of different types of system families used in a REVIT project.
System Families
Figure 2.13
The Select Items
To Copy dialog
Standard Families
Standard families (see Figure 2.14) are created outside of the project environment using the Family Editor. They’re stored in an external library and can be loaded into a project for use at any point. Every standard family belongs to a specific REVIT category so that when it’s loaded into a project,
it adopts the graphic rules defined for its category in the Object Styles dialog. This guarantees graphic consistency throughout your project without your having to constantly manage changes to new families. This also guarantees that when you schedule a category, you get all elements that belong to that category.
For example, if you find a lighting fixture family on the Web and load it into your project, it will use the Lighting Fixtures object style in your project to represent the family. It will be scheduled with other lighting fixtures. You aren’t forced to open the family and adjust line weights or colors, or add metadata to the element, because this is all controlled at the project level. This illustrates the value of having a fixed number of categories to manage—you can rest assured that the project
won’t inflate with endless, oddly named layers that are difficult, if not impossible, to decode.
Figure 2.14
Standard families

Standard families have their own file format extension (.rfa) and can be stored outside the
project environment for later use in other projects. REVIT ships with a predefined folder structure to
help manage the vast numbers of families available. Choose File Load Library Load Family to
see how REVIT organizes information (see Figure 2.15).
Figure 2.15
The Load from Library dialog box
Organizing Your Office Library
In your office, you’re free to organize your families in whatever way makes the most sense. You can use a read-only, shared office library, or per-project mini-libraries. Whatever route you go, be sure to add your library locations to your REVIT file load dialog.
To do this, choose Options File Locations, and add a new path to the Libraries table.
To create a new standard family, either duplicate an existing one in the project and modify its properties, or open it in the Family Editor if you need to make more radical geometric changes. (The first method only allows for slight dimensional and material modifications and not geometry mod- ifications.) The process of editing a family supports an iterative design workflow: By selecting any family, you have the option either to edit its properties, or to open it in the Family Editor and make changes to it and then load it right back into your project. Families can be complex, but at least you won’t need to learn any specialized scripting languages in order to create smart, parametric con- tent. This goes for all forms of standard families, from totally parametric windows and doors to one-off pieces of furniture or lighting fixtures.
REVIT provides a set of starting family templates you can use to make content from scratch. When you want to start creating a new library element (family), you first need to select the correct tem- plate. To open a template, choose File New Family. Choose the type of element you want to make, and the template will open. Embedded in each template are smart behavior characteristics
of the family you’re creating. Figure 2.16 illustrates a door family template, where geometry, parameters, and dimensions are already in place to help you get started.
Figure 2.16
The template for this door family includes
geometry, parame- ters, and dimensions to help get you started.
Once you do this, a new link appears in the Open dialog with the name of your library. Clicking the icon
takes you directly to your office library.

Doors, windows, balusters, casework, columns, curtain wall panels, entourage, furniture,
massing elements, generic objects, and plantings are all examples of standard REVIT families.
To move families between projects, you can use copy-paste or save your families to disk and
then load them into another project.
In-Place Families
In-place families are custom elements that are specific to a project and the specific conditions of
the project. An in-place family opens functionality available in the Family Editor in the context of a project environment. The model grays out and becomes unselectable when you make such families. A complex sweep as a railing fence on a site is an example of an in-place family.
You can copy-paste in-place families from project to project, but you can’t save them as RFA files as you can with standard families. Figure 2.17 shows an in-place family added to a facade in order to create some non-orthogonal mullions.
Figure 2.17
Example of an in-place family used to add skewed mul-
lions to the facade
Overriding the Representation of Elements
As we mentioned earlier in this book, there are no layers in REVIT. Instead of using layers, REVIT uses
object categories and subcategories to define the graphics for each element class as well as to control
visibility (which is the purpose of layers in other software). The Object Styles dialog establishes the
default graphics for every category; however, in any Revit View, you can override these graphics using the Revit View Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog shown in Figure 2.18. The two dialogs look very similar—the difference is that Object Styles shows the defaults preset for a project, whereas Visibility/ Graphic Overrides is the place to reRevit View and make changes to those default settings on a per-Revit View basis. The same familiar categories and subcategories displayed in the Object Styles dialog are dis- played in this dialog as well.
Figure 2.18
The Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box
The same level of visual control for line weight, color, and pattern is provided here, but in a slightly different interface. In addition to line overrides, you can also override cut and surface patterns and choose to show a category as halftone, transparent, or at a different level of detail. Figure 2.19 shows the Roof category overridden to be transparent in the 3D Revit View, allowing you to see through the roof and look into the rooms beneath while keeping the shape of the roof visible. The changes made in the dialog are applied only to the current Revit View.

Figure 2.19
The Roof category has
been overridden to
be transparent in the
3D Revit View.
The same categories are used to control the visibility of elements in a Revit View. You can turn off entire categories, subcategories, or individual elements in any Revit View.
The REVIT User Interface
As you’ll notice, the REVIT interface isn’t overburdened by a lot of toolbars. It may seem as if there
are too few buttons to build an entire building. Don’t worry, all the tools are there—they’re just not
visible all the time. The UI is divided into five major components, shown in Figure 2.20: the Revit View
window, where all the Revit Views and drawing take place; the Design bar, where you access all the cre-
ation tools; the Project Browser, where all the Revit Views and families are stored and which is used to navigate the projects; the Options bar, where you choose types, access properties, and edit context-sensitive options; and the toolbars, where you invoke various editing tools. Next, we’ll take a quick look at each of
these components.
In addition to these major UI components, the Status bar is located along the bottom of the appli- cation frame. It contains information about active commands, what is selected, progress meters, and the Communications Center.
The Revit View Window
The Revit View window is where all the action takes place. Here, you add elements, modify them, and con- struct and document your model. The Revit View area can tile multiple Revit Views, allowing you to visualize the model from multiple vantage points concurrently. We don’t recommend tiling the Revit Views if you have more than six open Revit Views, because the Revit Views get too small, and it becomes difficult to work.
Figure 2.20
The REVIT user
To arrange Revit Views, go to the Window menu and try the Cascade or Tile option. You’ll also see the option to Close Hidden Windows.
This feature is a great way to clear your workspace when you have a unmanageable number of Revit Views open. Clicking the button closes all but one Revit View for each project or family you have open. This is especially advisable for better performance on a complex project.
To see an example, open two Revit Views of the model, and then tile the Revit Views. Select an element in one Revit View; you’ll see that it becomes selected in both Revit Views. This simple interaction shows that when you make a change to an element in one Revit View, the change is instantly reflected in other Revit Views. This is a great way to conceptually understand the reality of a true BIM modeler.
Each Revit View has properties, and some of these properties are exposed at the bottom of the Revit View window in what is called the Revit View Control bar.
These controls allow you to quickly change the display of the Revit View without having to dig into a properties dialog. The available controls include Revit View Scale, Detail Level, Display Type, Shad- ows, Crop Revit View, Show Crop, Temporary Hide/Isolate, and Reveal Hidden Elements.
Option bar
Design bar
Project browser
Revit View window

The Design Bar
The Design bar is a group of tabs located on the left side of the application that contains creation
tools organized based on common tasks, as shown in Figure 2.21.
Figure 2.21
The Design bar
The tools are grouped into tabs that suggest a certain task: Drafting, Modeling, Site, Massing, and so on. Some tools are repeated on multiple tabs because they’re used for various tasks. The Dimension tool is an example: Dimensions are used when modeling, drafting, and laying out struc- tures. Which tabs are visible is entirely up to you.
Turning Tabs On and Off
The Massing tab can be turned off if you don’t use massing. The same is true for the Structural and Site tabs. To see the full selection of tabs, right-click anywhere on the Design bar, and select only those you wish to Revit View.
Clicking a tab opens it and makes the tools available. You can hide/reveal design tabs using the
context menu when the mouse is hovering over the Design bar. On some smaller monitor resolu-
tions (less than 1280×1024), you may not see all the tools available in a design tab. To access these
tools, click the More Tools flyout at the bottom of the tab, as shown here.
All the tools located in the Design bar are also available from the menu at the top of the appli- cation. You may also notice that some tools aren’t enabled, depending on the type of Revit View you’re currently working in. If you open a perspective Revit View, almost all the tools in the Design bars appear grayed out. This is because REVIT doesn’t let you create new elements in perspective Revit Views (don’t be discouraged; you can place objects in any orthographic 3D Revit View).
The Options Bar
The Options bar contains several parts: the Type Selector, properties button, and dynamic option controls. The Type Selector becomes active when you’re making new elements or when an element is selected. The tool is used to swap types of family elements—and works on all types of REVIT objects—whether model or annotation. The Options bar looks like this when a wall is selected:
The Properties button takes you to the element properties of whatever you’ve selected. Every- thing to the right of the Properties button is dynamic and changes depending on what you’re cre- ating, what tool you’re using, or what element is selected. For example, when the Move tool is activated, you’ll notice some new options appear:
Look to the Options bar whenever you’re using a tool, placing elements, or selecting elements, because it will show you options specific to the current task. It’s easy to forget the Options bar exists, so train yourself to scan it, and get familiar with what it offers.
The Project Browser
The Project Browser allows you to navigate to all your Revit Views, create new Revit Views, access element properties, and place elements. All the Revit Views of your project are stored here, making it possible to organize and navigate a project from one location. This feature is the backbone of your project, so we’ll spend more time exploring its functionality in the next section.
Figure 2.22 shows a collapsed Revit View of a typical Project Browser. As you can see, the browser con- tains all your Revit Views, families, schedules, sheets, and linked files.
The Project Browser is such an important tool that we’ll devote the rest of this chapter to explor- ing its use.

Figure 2.22
The Project Browser
shows the range of
Using the Project Browser
There are a number of ways to navigate through a REVIT project. As you start working in real projects, the number of Revit Views and drawings that accumulate will become quite large. Being able to find your Revit Views and effectively move between them is critical to support an effective workflow. We’ll look at the various methods of moving between Revit Views, best practices, and how to customize the display of these Revit Views using the Project Browser.
Revit Views
A Revit View is a graphical way to look at the database of information you’re creating. Plan, section, schedule table, 3D Revit View—all of these are just different ways to look at and query the same under- lying database of information that describes your building. REVIT organizes all the Revit Views of your project in the Project Browser. Your plans, sections, elevations, 3D Revit Views, and schedules are all stored there. Double-clicking a Revit View name opens the Revit View in the Revit View window. When you close a window, you don’t need to save first—it’s always accessible from the Project Browser.
The default organization is based on the Revit View type, which is why the Revit Views are divided into sep- arate nodes in the tree. The default organization when all the nodes are collapsed looks like this:
With a node expanded, right-click a Revit View name to access additional options for any Revit View (see Figure 2.23). From this menu, you can open Revit Views, rename them, duplicate them, and apply Revit View templates.
Figure 2.23
Context menu options for a Revit View
Note that you can multiselect Revit Views in the Project Browser. When more than one Revit View is
selected, you can right-click to bring up the context menu:
For example, from the context menu, you can create and apply Revit View templates. This is a way to give Revit Views a consistent scale and graphical appearance, among other things. Let’s look at how to use the Project Browser as a way to drive properties from one Revit View to another:
1.Open Foundation.rvt from the Chapter 2 folder on this book’s companion website
2.Open Plan: Level 1.
3.Right-click the Revit View, and duplicate it.
4.Rename the Revit View Level 1 - Presentation.
5. Press VG to open the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog.
6.Go to the Annotations tab, and turn off visibility of all annotations by selecting the “Show
annotation categories in this Revit View” check box at the top of the table.
7.Go back to the Revit View in the Project Browser, and right-click the Revit View. Select Create Revit View Tem-
plate From Revit View (see Figure 2.24).
Figure 2.24
Creating a new Revit View template
8.Name the template Presentation Graphics.
9.Duplicate Level 2, and rename it Level 2 - Presentation.

10.Right-click the Revit View name, and choose Apply Revit View Template.
11.Choose Presentation Graphics.
12.The plan how has the same properties as Level 1 - Presentation.
Working in a data-driven model, you can use Revit View properties as a way to customize how the browser sorts and organizes all your Revit Views. This is a great way to manage the large number of Revit Views that will fill your project. Clicking the top of the Project Browser window (not a Revit View) makes it the active selection. You’ll notice the Type Selector in the Options bar activates, and some pre- defined options will be available to choose (see Figure 2.25). Selecting any of these will re-sort the Revit Views in your project based on criteria.
Figure 2.25
Browser organization options
Making a Custom Browser Organization
The following steps show how to customize the browser organization:
1.With the Foundation file still open, select the Revit Views icon in the Project Browser.
2.The Type Selector lists Browser - Revit Views : all.
Click the Properties button.
3.Change the type to “not on sheets”. You’ll see the browser reorganize the list and remove
Revit Views that are on sheets.
Now, let’s make a custom sort based on your name (or initials) by applying a new “Drawn by” parameter to all Revit Views and then using that parameter to sort the Revit Views in the browser:
1.Choose Settings Project Parameters.
2.In the resulting dialog, click the “Add a new parameter” button.
3.Choose the Revit Views category on the right side of the dialog, and give the parameter the
name Drawn by. In the Group Parameter Under drop-down list, select Identity Data (see Figure 2.26). Click OK.
4.Go back to the Project Browser.
Figure 2.26
Create a new project
parameter for Revit Views.
5.Go to Properties, and choose Duplicate “not on sheets”. Name the duplicate My
6.Click the Folders button.
7.Change the “Group by” setting to “Drawn by” (Figure 2.27), and click OK.
Figure 2.27
Group Revit Views by the new parameter,
“Drawn by”.
8.Go to any Revit View, and open its Revit View properties.
9.The project parameter you added appears in the Identity Data group as “Drawn by”. Type
your initials or name in the value field, and click OK (Figure 2.28).

Figure 2.28
Change the “Drawn
by” parameter for
any Revit View.
Sheets are special Revit Views that are your future documents—the actual sheets you’ll be sharing with your contractor, client, or team members. These sheets can contain many other Revit Views. This is where the collections of drawings that eventually get printed are stored. Under each sheet node, you see all the Revit Views placed on that sheet. Like any other Revit View in REVIT, if you double-click the node, the sheet Revit View opens in the Revit View window.
To make a new sheet, use the Revit View tab or the Revit View menu, and choose Sheet. This lets you select a title block family to use.
In the Project Browser, you can see all the loaded families in your project. From here, you can drag and drop elements into the drawing area, query element properties, create new types of elements, and even select all instances of a given element in the model in order to perform wholesale changes.
The context menu for families (Figure 2.29) is different from that for Revit Views. Note that if you choose the option to edit a family, you’ll open the family in the Family Editor, where you can make changes
to the component and then reload it. If you expand the family node to expose all the family types, you can right-click a type and choose Select All Instances from the context menu. All instances in
the model become selected, even if you can’t see them in your current Revit View. This lets you make
edits to the family type in one interaction. For example, you can select all instances of a door family and swap it with a different door type.
Starting with the 2008 release, REVIT links (other REVIT files that are linked into your project) are also listed in the Project Browser. Using the context menu, you can reload, unload, open, copy, and visu- ally identify the links in your project.
Figure 2.29
Options for families in the Project Browser
Groups are associated collections of elements that can be repeatedly placed throughout the model. Groups are used for repeating entities (from furniture composed of a table and six chairs, to a typical bath-
room type with fixtures and partitions, to a typical hotel room). When one group changes, all other instances of that group also change. Whenever a group is created, it appears in the Project Browser.
You can place a group from the Project Browser by dragging it into the Revit View window.
Working with Revit Views and Revit View Properties
As we’ve mentioned, all Revit Views have properties that determine characteristics such as scale, graph- ics display, and Revit View depth. Each Revit View type has special characteristics and options that are impor-
Activating a Revit View on a Sheet
Double-clicking a Revit View placed on a sheet is the same as opening the Revit View from the Revit View’s node. Double-
clicking the sheet name opens the sheet. From the sheet, you can directly edit Revit Views on the sheet by
right-clicking a Revit View and choosing Activate Revit View option. This opens the Revit View and grays out the sheet
context. You can then edit the Revit View from the context of your sheet. To get back to the sheet, use the con- text menu again, and choose Deactivate Revit View.

tant to understand when you’re using REVIT. We’ll look at the different Revit View types and explain their
defining features and how to use them. To access Revit View properties, use any of these access methods:
Right-click anywhere in the drawing surface of a Revit View, and select Revit View Properties.
Right-click a Revit View in the Project Browser, and select Properties.
Select Revit View Revit View Properties.
Use the keyboard shortcut VP to access the Revit View Properties dialog directly.
Floor Plans
Plan Revit Views are used to show horizontal slices through your 3D building. Each plan Revit View in REVIT is associated with a level. A level is a horizontal datum that establishes major floor-to-floor heights and other critical horizontal working planes. Figure 2.30 shows that each level generates a plan Revit View. By default, the plan is cut 4´ above the actual level height, but this value can be customized to suit your requirements. Note that if you delete a level in your project, you also delete all plan Revit Views associated with that level—so be careful when deleting levels!
Each plan Revit View can show a range of the model based on levels. This aspect of REVIT is often mis- understood, so let’s take a moment to demystify it.
Figure 2.30
Levels generate plan Revit Views.
Revit View Range
When creating your documents, you care about correct representation of your elements. Using the Object Styles dialog and graphic overrides, you can get your drawings to look exactly how you want them. However, you’ll often wish to add some abstraction to the drawing that involves ele- ments that aren’t typically visible in the Revit View. You may want to see roof lines overhead, or see down into an atrium a few levels below. This is where the Revit View Range options come in handy.
The options available in the Revit View Range dialog allow you to define how elements in a Revit View are represented, depending on their location in space. Revit View-range values are stored as a property of the Revit View and are included when you save a Revit View as a Revit View template.
Figure 2.31 shows three ways to represent the same space and elements by using different Revit View-
range settings. Think of the mess you might end up with if you had to do this using a layering system!
Figure 2.31
Three different repre-
sentations of the same model in plan Revit View
To access the Revit View Range dialog, go to Revit View properties of a plan or ceiling plan Revit View, and choose to edit the Revit View Range parameter. Doing so opens the dialog shown in Figure 2.32.
Figure 2.32
The Revit View Range dialog
The Revit View Range dialog is divided into two parameter groups: Primary Range and Revit View Depth. The Revit View range is defined by horizontal planes—three of them define the primary range (Top, Cut plane, and Bottom), and a fourth plane defines the depth of a Revit View (Revit View Depth):
Top—Defines the top limit of the Revit View range
Cut plane—Defines the height of the Cut plane
Bottom—Defines the bottom limit of the Revit View range
Note that the positioning of these is always relative to a level. The Cut plane always references the level of the Revit View in which you’re working, and the other two can reference any level of the project.
There is no graphical presentation of the Revit View-range settings, but it shouldn’t be difficult to imagine their position in space. Look at Figure 2.33, a representation of different positions of the horizontal planes of a Revit View range:

Figure 2.33
Various positions of
the Revit View range (top)
and the associated
plan Revit View (bottom)
Floor planIn a floor plan Revit View, the direction of the Revit View is from top to bottom—so, you’re looking from above.
Ceiling planIn a ceiling plan, the Revit View direction is exactly the opposite—you’re looking from below, upward (see Figure 2.34).
Figure 2.34
Position of the Revit View range for ceiling plans (top) and the associated
plan Revit View (bottom)
Depending on the positioning of the elements with respect to the Revit View range and its parameters, the graphical display of those elements can vary. The “Cut plane” parameter can radically change the appearance of your Revit View, because every element in REVIT has a physical location in space. Elements look different depending on whether they’re cut by the Cut plane, above the Cut plane, or below the Cut plane.
Cut Plane
Not all REVIT elements behave the same with respect to the Cut plane. Some REVIT categories don’t
support the notion of being cut (furniture families, for example); regardless at the height at which
a Cut plane intersects them, they’re always represented as if they’re Revit Viewed from above (not cut).
Figure 2.35 shows that a stool looks the same, no matter where the Cut plane happens to intersect it.
Figure 2.35
Elements are affected differently by the Cut
The Primary Range
Now that you have a general understanding of how the Cut plane affects elements in a Revit View, let’s dig deeper into the primary range concept. As we mentioned, this range consists of two other planes, Top and Bottom, which are placed respectively above and below the Cut plane. The exact positioning of these two planes is defined by an offset value relative to a level:
Does a Category Allow Cutting?
How do you determine whether a category allows its elements to be cut? A fast way is to look it up in the REVIT Help file under “Creating your own Components (Families)” Visibility and Detail Level
“Cuttable and non Cuttable Family categories.”
There is another method, as well, which may be more practical: In the Visibility Graphics dialog or the Object Styles dialog is a Cut column. For certain categories, this column is grayed out; this is the indi- cator that the category doesn’t allow cutting.

The Top plane can reference any levels above the current one. The Bottom plane can reference
any levels below the current one. Let’s look at some examples:
If an element is cut by a Cut plane, it’s visible in the Revit View as shown in Figure 2.36.
Figure 2.36
The cabinet is cut by the Cut plane and
is visible.
If an element is below the Cut plane but within the primary range (partially or completely), it’s visible in the plan Revit View as if it were looked at from above, as shown in Figure 2.37.
Figure 2.37
The lower bookcase isn’t cut but is visible.
If an element is above the Cut plane and completely within the Revit View range, it doesn’t appear unless it’s the category Windows, Casework, or Generic Model. It appears as if seen from above, as shown in Figure 2.38. Because the wall shelf is the category Casework, and it’s within the primary range, it appears in plan Revit View.
Figure 2.38
The wall shelf appears.
Revit View Depth
The Revit View Depth is defined by a horizontal plane that is below the Revit View range. The positioning of this plane uses the same principle as the planes in the Revit View range—it’s defined by an offset refer- encing a level:
This plane is often confused with the Bottom plane of the Revit View range: The Revit View Depth cannot be
above the Bottom plane. Revit View Depth allows you to see elements below. The default is set to show
nothing, because it’s associated with the active level and has no offset.
The Revit View Depth is easy to misunderstand; it sounds confusing to have a Bottom plane in the
Revit View range and also have this additional Revit View Depth parameter. The idea here is that you need the
ability to control the display of elements that are below the primary range but within the Revit View Depth. Consider a wall with a footing. The wall is placed on Level 0 and goes up to Level 1. In the plan Revit View of Level 0, using the default settings, you don’t see the footing (see Figure 2.39).
Figure 2.39
With the default Revit View Depth, the foot- ings aren’t visible in
plan Revit View.
Figure 2.40 shows the effect of the default Revit View range when it’s set to be coincident with the Revit View’s associated level, in this case Level 0. To make the footing visible in the Level 0 plan Revit View, you need to do the following:
Lower the height of the Bottom plane in the primary range, and define the Revit View Depth to be coincident with it.
Define the Revit View Depth so that it’s below the base of the footing.
In the second case, you don’t need to change anything about the Bottom plane. In addition, you can obtain a different graphic presentation for the footings (without modifying the Visibility/ Graphic Overrides settings). The Revit View Depth allows elements that are below the current level to appear in a unique line style named Beyond. To control that line style, choose Settings Line Styles.
Figure 2.40
Modifying the Revit View range for different vis- ibility. Lowering the
depth of the Revit View makes the footings
visible in plan Revit View. They’re represented
with the Beyond line style, which in this
example uses a dashed line.
To display the elements in Revit View in a specific way, you’ll need to play with various parameter set- tings in the Revit View range (see Figure 2.41).

Figure 2.41
Changing the Revit View-
range settings (top) and
the corresponding plan
Revit View (bottom)
To fully understand this example, it’s essential to understand the categories of the elements par- ticipating in this Revit View (from left to right in Figure 2.41):
The doorThe door belongs to the Door category. It’s cut by the Cut plane. Its graphic presen- tation is controlled by the Cut style in the Object Styles or Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog. The arc representing the door swing is a 2D symbolic element and thus can’t be cut by the Cut plane.
The low cabinetThe low cabinet belongs to the Furniture category Because it’s placed below the Cut plane but still within the Revit View Depth, it’s visible in plan Revit View. It uses the Beyond line style.
The wall mounted shelfThe wall shelf belongs to the Furniture System category. The shelf is above the Cut plane but within the Revit View range. Its category allows it to be represented in plan Revit View. Its graphics are controlled by the Projection column in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides or Object Styles dialog.
The desk-chair-drawer familyThe desk with a chair and a drawer (all one family) belongs to the Furniture category. This family is cut by the Cut plane. Its category doesn’t allow for it to be cut, and its graphics are thus controlled by the Projection style in the Visibility/Graphic Over- rides or Object Styles dialog.
The windowThe window belongs to the Window category. It’s cut by the Cut plane. Its graph- ics are controlled by the Cut style in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides or Object Styles dialog.
Creating a Plan Revit View Using Revit View Range and a Plan Region
Figure 2.42 is a model of a simple space that we’ll use to understand Revit View range. We have chosen a split-level example to show you the power of various settings and resulting displays of the
Revit View-range parameters. The goal is to create a plan Revit View of Level 0 that displays information from
a lower level. We want to display elements placed on Level 00B with a dashed line style. Follow
these steps:
Figure 2.42
Working with the Revit View range

1.Open the File Revit View_Range.rvt from the Chapter 2 folder on the book’s website.
In the elevation Revit View, you can see the various planes (Figure 2.43). The Revit View Depth is
defined to be the same as the Bottom plane.
Figure 2.43
Revit View-range settings
2.From the Level 00 plan Revit View, go to Revit View Properties, and open the Revit View Range dialog.
The default REVIT settings are currently being used. Notice in Figure 2.44 that elements placed on Level 00B are not visible in this Revit View. The low cabinet is visible in the Revit View, because it’s within the primary range. The wall shelf above the low cabinet belongs to the category Furniture Systems and is also visible, even though it’s above the Cut plane.
Figure 2.44
You can see the effect of moving the Bottom
and Revit View Depth to Level 00B.
3.Change the Bottom and Revit View Depth to Level Below (Level 00B), and click Apply.
Having defined the Bottom plane as well as the Revit View Depth to be coincident to Level 00B,
you’ve managed to show the elements of Level 00B in the Level 00 plan Revit View. The problem
is that it will be difficult to assign a dashed-line style to the elements placed on Level 00B, as
you initially desired. You could manually override all the elements, but you’d have to do so in each Revit View manually—let’s look at a smarter way to do this.
4.The furniture in this level is below the Cut plane. To change the graphic display of it, you
could use the Projection column in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides or Object Styles dialog; but in that case, the presentation of the furniture on Level 00 would be affected—and that isn’t what you want to happen.
5. Set the Bottom plane to Level 00, and give the Revit View Depth a –4´ (–1m) offset below Level 00.
Click Apply. In the elevation in Figure 2.45, you can see the various planes in dashed-line style. As you’ll notice, the chairs are now visible but not the table—this is because the chairs are partially within the Revit View but the tables aren’t (they’re below the Revit View Depth). The chairs belong to the Furniture category, which doesn’t support a cut representation; they’re shown as if they were seen from above, even though they’re intersected by the Revit View Depth.
Figure 2.45
Modifying the Revit View Depth settings

6.Set the Revit View Depth to Level Below (Level 00B) and give it a –4´ (–1m) offset. In the elevation
in Figure 2.46, you can see the various planes in dashed-line style.
By changing the Revit View Depth, you have achieved your goal of seeing the furniture from
below in a dashed-line style; however, the windows don’t look quite right. To fix that, REVIT
provides a tool that allows you to selectively alter the Revit View range for certain parts of the Revit View using a plan region. This tool lets you draw a rectangle and then define the Revit View range for that rectangle as a way to override the Revit View-range settings of the Revit View.
Figure 2.46
Lowering the Revit View Depth
7.In the Revit View Design tab of the Design bar, select the Plan Region tool, and sketch a rectangle
around the windows as shown in Figure 2.47. This region will make it possible to show the windows as if they were cut.
Figure 2.47
Making a plan region,
annotated here by
the rectangle in the
upper right
8.Click the Revit View Range Properties button on the Design bar, and change the Revit View range of the
plan region. In this example, to show the window, set the level the Cut plane is referencing to Level 00B (see Figure 2.48).
Figure 2.48
Revit View-rangeproperties of the plan region
If you need to adjust the properties of the plan region later, select it and use the Revit View Range but- ton on the Options bar as a quick way to get back to the settings.
Section Revit Views are placed using the Revit Views or Basics tab in the Design bar. Like a plan Revit View, a section is a live cut through the building model. You can place sections in plans, elevations, and other sec- tion Revit Views, and they will appear in other Revit Views. A section has two graphic symbols associated with it that appear at either end of the section line. Check the Options bar when placing a new section— you’ll notice that you can choose a section type (Building, Wall, Detail) and also preset the scale. These are the options available when placing a section:
You define the section line by making two clicks in the Revit View. Once a section has been created, you can move it by dragging it. The amazing thing is that when you move the section line, the Revit View it references is automatically regenerated. A section line always shows what it’s cutting when the Revit View is displayed. It’s impossible to have a section that is out of sync with the model.
Some special properties are available to sections, which help you create the drawings you want. We’ll focus on those next.

Broken Section Lines
The default section graphic is shown as solid line with a section head and section tail at the ends.
You can break a section cut line by clicking the little squiggle icon in the center of the line. Doing
this lets you create a graphic as shown in Figure 2.49.
Figure 2.49
Clicking the squiggle icon breaks the
section line.
Jogged Sections
As you draw a section line, you’ll notice that you can only draw a straight segment. Often, however, you’ll want the section line to pass through important parts of the building that don’t lie on the same line—you’ll need to break the section line and make it jog. You can jog the section line around elements in plan to change what is shown in the Revit View. To do this, click the Split Segment button on the Options bar when a section is selected. The cursor changes to a knife. Click to split the section, and begin dragging the segment. Figure 2.50 shows an example of a section split that jogs around an elevator core but cuts through classrooms.
Figure 2.50
Jogging a section line
Revit View Depth
When a section is selected, you can control the extents of the Revit View interactively using the crop
boundaries. The right and left sides directly affect the section-Revit View size on a sheet. The far clip lim-
its how much geometry is visible in depth. To improve performance and get the right representa-
tion, be aware of how deep your sections are. Show only what is needed. By default, a new section extends the entire depth of the model. To change that, pull the far clip closer to the cut plane (see Figure 2.51).
Figure 2.51
Controlling the section depth
Auto-Hiding Sections/Elevations
It’s possible for sections to disappear from time to time as you change the scale of a Revit View. If you check the visibility settings or try Reveal Hidden Elements mode, it won’t be clear why the sections aren’t visible. This behavior is a result of a little-known feature: “Hide at scales coarser than.” This parameter lets you set a scale beyond which the section will no longer be visible. In most circum- stances, the benefit of this feature will be nearly invisible—REVIT will do the right thing, and you’ll go about your business as usual.
Elevations are made by placing elevation tags in floor-plan Revit Views. Depending on where you place the elevation in the model, you’ll get different resulting Revit Views. REVIT assumes that if you place an elevation in the model (in a room, for example), you’re creating interior elevations. The Revit View shows only the walls visible in that room. If you place an elevation outside your model, a building eleva- tion is created that shows the entire façade.
Elevations are a lot like sections in terms of how they behave in REVIT: They have a clip plane, a crop boundary, and a symbol, and they can be opened directly by double-clicking the symbol. Ele- vation tags can have as many as four Revit Views related to one tag for the purpose of creating interior elevations of rooms. This is great for interior elevations but limits your ability to customize the graphics of these tags.

In many scenarios, the symbol used for an exterior building elevation is identical to the symbol used for section heads. Currently, in REVIT, this can’t be done with a standard elevation symbol. For this use case, we suggest a common workaround:
1.Create a building section, and open its properties. Click the Edit/New button, and then
duplicate the section. Name the new type Exterior Elevation, as shown in Figure 2.52.
2.When you go to place an exterior elevation, choose the Section tool instead. Draw the section
so that it creates an exterior Revit View of the model.
3.Drag the section head to the middle of the model. Notice that the section extents stay where
they are, so the Revit View isn’t affected by this graphical change.
4.Turn off the visibility of the section tail by clicking the cycle icon.
Hiding Sections at Coarser Revit View Scales
In a 1/4? floor-plan Revit View, you may have many wall sections, building sections, and interior elevation tags visible. However, with a 1/8? plan, you only want to see the building sections and exterior elevation tags. Using the “Hide at scales coarser than” option, you can do this. Select your interior elevation tags, and set their type property to hide at scales coarser than 1/4?. (Make sure you select the Revit View direction arrow, not the Revit View reference part.) Next time you open the 1/8? plan, they won’t be visible. Do the same for your wall sections. Because this is an instance property, you must first select the elements to which you want to apply this rule.
Figure 2.52
Making a new section
type for a building
5.Drag the section line so it disappears into the section head.
6.Check your Project Browser. A new node appears for your Exterior Elevations.
7.In Figure 2.53, the elevation still appears in the sections node, but it’s appended with the
Exterior Elevation type. You can rename the section if needed.
Figure 2.53
The elevation tag looks like the
section tag.

If you go this route, be aware that to adjust the cropping, you must select the section line you just
worked so hard to hide. You’ll need to zoom in close and use the Tab key to select that line again.
Once it’s selected, you’ll have full access to the other controls associated with the section.
3D Revit Views
One of the most obvious benefits of working with BIM is the 3D nature of the model. When using REVIT, you’ll find yourself constantly making 3D Revit Views, examining the space from various vantage points, and making presentations you would not be able to do using a 2D application. You can create two types of 3D Revit Views in REVIT—axonometric and perspective—and each has special characteristics that you need to be aware of.
Axonometric 3D Revit Views
An axon Revit View is a scaled drawing showing the model in three dimensions. These Revit Views allow you
to dimension lengths in all three dimensions with no perspective distortion. The easiest way to make an axon Revit View is to duplicate the default {3D} Revit View using the Project Browser. Right-click the {3D} Revit View name, and duplicate it. Once you do this, the next time you press the 3D icon, a new default {3D} Revit View will be created automatically. Once you have a 3D Revit View, use the mouse to spin around. Hold down Shift and the middle mouse button to orbit around the model. If you first select something and then orbit, you’ll orbit around your selection. To pan the Revit View, hold down the middle mouse button and pan. To zoom, scroll the mouse wheel back and forth.
Orienting to Other Revit Views
Perhaps the most compelling feature of the axon Revit View is its ability to orient to other Revit Views. When you do this, a 3D section box is enabled in the Revit View that cuts the model in all six directions of the box. You can go from a very dense, hard-to-read model to a focused representation. Figure 2.54 shows a 3D Revit View that was oriented to a section Revit View. You’re free to create new elements and edit the model from these types of Revit Views.
To create these types of Revit Views, open a 3D Revit View and choose Revit View Orient To Other Revit View. Then, choose which Revit View to orient to. The section box is turned on and matches the extents of the Revit View being oriented to. You can then spin the model to get a 3D representation. With REVIT, these types of Revit Views are easily generated; they suggest a new type of drawing to be included in standard con- struction and presentation document sets.
Perspective Revit Views (Cameras)
Perspectives in REVIT (bird-eye and frog-eye Revit Views) follow the metaphor of placing a camera in space. To make a new camera, start from a floor plan, and use the Camera tool from the Revit View Design tab. The first click establishes where the camera is placed in the model. Look at the Options bar: You can set the camera height prior to placement if you want. The default puts the camera 5´6? (1.8m) above the active level you’re on. You then give the camera a direction and set the center of rotation by clicking a second time. The Revit View automatically opens for you to reveal what your cam- era sees. The camera placement is shown in Figure 2.55.
Figure 2.54
3D Revit View oriented to a
section Revit View and then
Figure 2.55
Camera placement
Once in the camera Revit View, you can navigate around by using the mouse buttons to orbit and pan.
For even more options, enable the Dynamic Revit View dialog. Check the Walkthrough and Field of Revit View
tabs for some less-obvious options that are available (shown in Figure 2.56).
Figure 2.56
Dynamic Revit View options
In the Field of Revit View tab, you see a button labeled In/Out. This lets you change the focal length of the camera, which you can think of as zooming a lens in and out. The camera stays in same loca- tion when you use this feature.
Once a camera has been placed, you won’t see it in other Revit Views. Its default state is to be invisible. To make a camera visible, select the Revit View in the Project Browser, and choose Show Camera from the context menu. You’ll see a graphic of the camera and its available controls such as the camera, tar- get, and far clip plane (if it’s enabled). Select any controls, and drag them around to alter the loca- tion of the camera. Clicking empty space or another element deselects the camera; it will disappear.
Unlike axon Revit Views, perspective cameras don’t have a Revit View scale that determines how big the Revit View is. A perspective has no scale, so you use the crop region to define the size of the image. Select the crop region of a perspective Revit View, and click the Size button on the Options bar.
The width and height are controlled here—this is the size of the image if it was printed out on paper. If you start editing the values, you’ll see the crop boundary resize. The default option (“Field of Revit View”) adjusts the width and height independently, and the model becomes more or less cropped. Figure 2.57 shows the effect of changing Width from 16? to 12?.
If you choose the “Scale (locked proportions)” option and change either Width or Height, the image looks exactly the same but is scaled up or down. If you like the proportions of your shot, but you want a bigger version of it, choose this option.
The Bottom Line
The REVIT user interface is fairly straightforward. Once you know how to access settings, add elements to a Revit View, and navigate Revit Views, you’ll be off and running. Get use to the idea of editing prop- erties of elements to change their appearance and behavior. This applies to model elements, annotations, and Revit Views.
Work with and understand REVIT parametric elements Although you can find references to objects, families, instances, and components, in the end everything is an element.
Master It What are REVIT elements, and how are they managed graphically?
Use the REVIT user interface As in any software application, you need to know where all the major components are and what tasks they support.
Master It How do you change the graphics of a category for all Revit Views? What if you need to change the graphics for only one Revit View?
Figure 2.57
Changing the size of
perspective Revit Views

Sunday, June 22, 2008

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Absolute keynote paths , accelerators AccuRender library AccuRender option ,
AccuRender rendering. See rendering Acquire Coordinates option activating
Project Browser views worksets active planes , Add Link dialog Add Parameter option ,
Add to Design Option Set dialog Add to Group tool , additive selection , Advanced Model Graphics dialog sun and shadows sun studies , sunlight , truecolor shading , AEC (Architecture , Engineering , Construction) world Align tool aligned dimensions , aligning elements fill patterns sketch lines to reference planes , Always Vertical parameter analytical drawings angles
reference lines revolves roof slope rotation segments shadows , sun , sweeps units void shapes , angular dimensions , animation sun studies walkthroughs annotations ,
D detail callouts , crop regions , keynotes. See keynotes material definitions , object categories , revision clouds rooms. See rooms schedule keys separation lines shared parameters. See shared parameters tags. See tags text , views visibility , appearance materials , schedules Apply Nosing Profile option , Apply View Template option , architecture history , sustainability in ,
Architecture , Engineering , Construction (AEC) world archiving with DWFs , Area Boundary tool area plans area calculations vs. room areas , area schedules , areas adding calculating rooms settings arrays creating elements in Family Editor formulas for Arrow Angle setting , arrowheads keynotes , leaders , articulation , wall artificial lighting Associate Family Parameter dialog box , associations arrays , bidirectional , shutter width , asymmetric slopes on gable roofs At Library Locations method , Attach Detail tool , attached detail groups , auditing files auditorium railings , autohiding sections , Autodesk Design Review. See Design Review Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) , automated dimensioning automating area calculations , axes for revolves axonometric D views ,
background rendering text balusters main patterns placement railings per tread on stairs barrel roofs , Base blend setting , Base Level property , base molding Base Offset From Level property , Basics tab design bar rooms , text , Begin with a Riser setting , Beginning setting for baluster patterns behavior of keynotes , bidirectional associations , bidirectional relationships BIM. See Building Information Modeling (BIM) binding links , black and white highcontrast effects blends examples for lamp troubleshooting vertices blocks , Bold setting , BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) area calculations , Boolean joins , borrowing elements , Bottom view range for floor plans boundary lines bounding boxes Break Symbol in Plan setting Broken Section Display Style setting broken section lines building area schedule updates ,
Building Information Modeling (BIM) , advantages , for creativity documents
Family Editor interaction , layers and XReferences , as new technology , problemsolving designs as process change , properties working with , ,
Building Maker tools , advantages , design verification , ,
Floor Area
Building Owners and Managers Association
(BOMA) area calculations , By Category tag option
By Date , Time , and Place sun angle setting By Host railings option , By Keynote numbering option , By Project revision numbering option , By shared coordinates option By Sheet option keynote numbering , revision numbering , By Type railings option
D views , sun studies carbon footprints , Cascade option , Cast Shadows option , categories , annotation , imported
Model Object , for shared parameters , ,
CDs (Construction Documents) , ceilings floor connections and details , plans types , Center setting Centertocenter option Centerline Pattern option , Centerline Symbol option , Centerline Tick Mark option , central files , saving , workflows , working on , in worksharing CFDs (computational fluid dynamics) , chain selection , chairs
closing unused DWGs , coarse settings
Scale Fill parameter , wall detail , color dimensions , elevation tags , elevations fill schemes , legends , level tags , lines , text , colorcoded plans and sections , fill schemes , presentation plans , sections combining revisions , commas ( , ) in typecatalog syntax , common edges communication with teams , complex roofs compound walls computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) , conceptual design and early studies
D context building Building Maker tools advantages , design verification , ,
Floor Area building mass and underlying mass relationships imported geometry. See imported files and geometry massing best practices , curtain systems by face , design options ,
Floor by Face tool , roofs by face , scheduling , Wall by Face tool , program check and feasibility , site data and context , conditional visibility cone roofs
constraints design stage move , in performance ,
Construction Document set , Construction Documents (CDs) , context , building , converting groups into links copies in performance , Copy tool , copying area boundaries color with Copy , groups , with Move , options , sweeps , system families cores , walls , Corner Radius option , corruption , file , cost estimates , cost schedules Create Floors tool , Create Instance group option , Create Mass tool Create Roof tool , Create View Template From View option creativity crop regions annotations , perspective views cupolas Current View copying option , Current View Only option , Curtain Grid tool , Curtain Grid Line tool , curtain panel families curtain systems by face , with Rhino , curtain walls , designing , doors and windows panels
custom D content , encoding design rules , families building , categories and parameters , ,
curtain panel detail component facebased generic , hostbased , linebased , linking parameters , modeling , nesting , profile , RPC , template selection types , work planebased , parametric arrays custom keynotes custom line types custom patterns , , custom tags , , ,
, custom templates , custom title blocks , custom walls , default wrapping , layers , preview window , Cut Geometry tool cut graphics Cut Line Styles , Cut Pattern option , Cut Plan Profile tool Cut planes , Cutoff Level property , Cutoff Offset property , cylinder mass elements
keynote text files , view templates , wall wrapping , Work Planes , ,
Defines Slope option ,
Delete Dedicated Options Views dialog Delete Inner Segment option , deleting dimension types , markups , materials , tags text type , unused DWGs and views , Deny/Retract option , dependent views , depth blends , elevations for , extrusions , view , Design bar for massing creation
Rendering tab , tools , design cycle , design options , designoption sets , displaying , editing elements for , enabling , in practice , quantities and cost schedules rooms , selecting , Design Review importing markups , interface , model markup in publishing to , design rules , encoding , Designer role , designing curtain walls , detail groups
details and detail components ,
D , annotations , creating , callouts , , creating , drafting views , embedding within families , exporting , families , groups importing and linking , ,
importing views , information for , keynotes line tools. See line tools for line types nesting properties , repeating , rotating , shaft opening symbolic lines for , tips , visibility settings , wall sections model details , ,
SIM condition , .dgn files , Dimension tool dimensions defaults in family details formulas for , in moving elements , styles , in views , Direct Editing tool , directions in Reference Planes Directly sun angle setting , Disallow Join option Disassociate option , disjoining hosted elements , walls
displaying design options , Dist. from Previous setting , documentation. See annotations Documenter role , documents dome roofs Door category , door knobs doors curtain wall defaults , hostbased families in modeling principles rotating symbolic lines for tags , custom , shared parameters for , types , dormers , hipped roofs with
drafting lines for elevations , reusing drafting patterns , Drafting tab keynotes tags
.dxf files ,
Dynamic View dialog
edges common silhouette Edit Assembly dialog floors and roofs split sections sweeps and reveals , wall cores wall tools walls ,
Edit Baluster Placement dialog Edit Base blend setting , Edit Color Scheme dialog Edit Joins tool Edit option extrusions , groups , Edit Rails dialog Edit Roof Structure dialog Edit Shared Parameters dialog ,
Edit Top blend setting , Edit Wall Joins tool
Edit Work Plane option , editable worksets editing
trimming and extending lines and walls ,
, blend vertices design options groups keynotes , materials , , schedules , sketches , wall joins Work Planes ,
Editing Requests dialog box electrical lighting Element Properties dialog callout tags , cost schedules , door tags , elevation tags ,
Height Offset From Level parameter revision clouds scope boxes section tags , stairs system families , templates text , visibility , wall wrapping , walls , worksets elements aligning , arraying , borrowing , for design options , for keynotes , moving , ownership , pinning , resizing , rotating and mirroring , tagging , elevations default settings images in , ,
Linework tool , ,
Project Browser views , tags for , transparent materials truecolor embedding details within families , ,
Empty glazing setting , enabling design options , design rules , shadows , ,
End setting for baluster patterns End angle resolve setting End with a Riser setting , energy analysis , Entire Walls option , Environment dialog Exclude feature , Exclude Options option , Explain Error tool exploding imported CAD files , exporting details , to gbXML , sun studies sun views , expressive drawings , shadows for ,
Extend Below Base setting , extending datum planes , lines and walls , extending pergola , gable roofs with exterior skins external text files , extruded roof dormers , hipped roofs with
Extrusion end setting , Extrusion start setting extrusions roofs by , , working with , ,
facebased families faces with extrusions , families and Family Editor ,
D. See custom D content vs. blocks , callout tags ceilings , for custom title blocks , door tags , doors and windows , elevation tags , embedding details within , floors and roofs , inplace , loadable managing , mass placement , parametric mass family creation , for primary forms profiles , Project Browser views section view tags , stairs , standard , system , templates types. See types and type catalogs visibility settings wall wrapping walls , worksets ,
Family Category and Parameters dialog Family Creator role , Family Types dialog arrays dimensions parametric mass family creation
RPC , visibility ,
FAR (Floor Area Ratio) , feasibility , program , feet units , fences. See railings Field of View tab Fields tab
File Locations tab
File Save Options dialog filenaming conventions , keynotes , files corruption , linking , workflow , Fill Available Space modes , Filled Region tool , fills and fill patterns color , custom title blocks , for details elevation tags , graphics materials , , regions , filtering keynotes schedules , selections Fine level of detail , First end blend setting , Fixed Distance modes , Fixed Number modes , Flat railing option , flat roofs flexing models , flip controls Flip Orientation option , Flipped Dimension Line Extension option , Floor Area tool Floor Area Faces tool Floor Area Ratio (FAR) , Floor by Face tool , Floor Edit tools , floor plans
Cut planes , primary range , View Depth , View Range , floors
sketchbased design , types , ,
Font setting , footprint roofs , force units , formats
CAD , exporting to formatting schedules , formulas arrays , dimensions , Foundation model , area calculations , areas and tags , change tracking rentable area plans , schedules. See schedules worksets , foursided gable roofs freestanding elements railings rotating , Function column for wall layers , Furniture category , Furniture System category ,
graphic appearance consistency settings dimension styles , ,
Fill Patterns , , Line Patterns , Line Styles , Materials Editor , Object Styles , text , markups , schedules , graphic overrides , graphical selection , graphics cards Green Building Studio service Green Building xml , grids , curtain walls tags ,
Work Planes Grids worksets , gross area calculations , floors plans , gross building schedules , Group Edit mode , Group Edit toolbar , Group Editor , Group Properties dialog , groups , adding rooms to , arrays best practices for , creating and managing , detail , detail elements for editing vs. links , moving elements in , nesting , , parameters , as parts of projects
Project Browser views , repeating , , variations , ,
GUIDs (globally unique identifiers) ,
half hipped roofs , hatch patterns , , head graphics in section tags , heads , callout Height setting for cylinder mass elements Height Offset At Head setting , Height Offset From Level setting Help menu , hiding markups , sections , highcontrast black and white effects hip and gable hybrid roofs hipped roofs with extruded roof dormers half , with sloped arrow dormers with two dormers historical data , History dialog box , history of design and documentation , Horizontal tag orientation , hostbased elements , hostbased families , Host Layer Line Styles dialog box host objects in graphic overrides , ,
positioning , Rhino for , SketchUp for , importing
D conceptual models , Design Review markups , details , , DWG/DGN site information , ,
patterns , with SketchUp views , inplace families , , inplace roofs , inplace walls inches units , infill wall types , information for details , Insert D Elements dialog Inside detail option , instance parameters , Insulation Bulge to Width Ratio setting , Insulation tool intensities , sun interaction , interface. See user interface interior lights , Interior Tick Mark option , Interiors workset , Inventor software , invisible lines , Is Reference parameter , issuing revisions , Italic setting ,
jogged sections
Join Geometry tool joins masses
Keyboard.txt file , Keynote command , keynote legend schedules , Keynote Text style , keynotes , , behavior and editing , elements for , family , filenaming conventions , legends , predefining , schedules , settings in views , wall sections , keys , schedule , Koolhaas , Rem
labels custom title blocks , keynotes , section view tags , shared parameters , lamp , lampshade
Landing Carriage Height setting , Landing Overlap setting , landings layer joins cleanup , layers , custom walls , importing and linking , merging overrides position splitting , Layout modes , LCR (Lot Coverage Ratio) , Le Corbusier , Leader Arrowhead setting , leader lines
Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design
(LEED) system legends , keynotes ,
keynotes , lines , nosing , units
Level tool , levels , bidirectional relationships default settings , floor plans rooms , tags levels of detail families , in performance , walls Libeskind , Daniel libraries keynotes , materials organizing , lifecycle costs , lighting , lighting fixtures Limit Offset property , linebased families , line patterns creating , elevation tags , level tags , line tools custom title blocks ,
Filled Region , Insulation Linework , , Show Hidden Lines , linear arrays , lines
lineweights dimensions , elevation tags , level tags , text , links and linking common uses , details
CAD details , CAD formats , files , vs. groups , markups , parameters , Project Browser views , special features , unloading and reloading , visibility , live connections , links for , Load from Library dialog box loadable family types loaded profiles for sweeps , loading group files mass families shared work , tags , from type catalogs local files in performance , in workflows , Lockable Door parameter , loops blends profiles revolves sketches sweeps , Lot Coverage Ratio (LCR) ,
Make Elements Editable option Make Workset Editable option , Manage Links dialog
Manage Place and Locations dialog , manual dimensioning , Map tab markups
Design Review for importing , masking regions Mass.rft template , Mass Element.rft template massing and massing studies , ,
D contexts , best practices , curtain systems by face , design options ,
Floor by Face tool , roofs by face , scheduling , Wall by Face tool ,
Design bar , Floor Area tool , importing D conceptual models , mass creation , mass element creation , mass family creation , mass family placement , mass joining mass scheduling , mass tags , parametric mass family example , ,
primary forms rapid prototyping and D printing services ,
, tools , uses , workflows ,
Match option for groups , Match Properties option , Material column for wall layers , Material Editor Material Library dialog , material takeoff schedules ,
materials editing fills , , keynotes , , nonimage based parameters rendering , stairs , tags , texture maps for , tracking , for types , wall finish , Maximize Extents option , Maximum Riser Height setting , Maximum Segment Angle setting Maximum Spacing modes , mechanical , engineering , and plumbing (MEP) consultants , Medium level of detail , Membrane Layer option , merging layers metal decks Metric library , Metric Mass.rft template , metric units , Middle Stringers setting , Minimum Tread Depth setting , Mirror tool mirroring elements , mistakes in worksharing , Miter joins model groups , Model Object categories , model patterns , Modeling design bar modeling principles , blends , extrusions , overview , revolves , sketchbased design , floors , ,
Work Planes , . See also Work
D physical , details , importing , objects rapid prototyping , ,
Modify Sub Elements tool , Modify Vertical Structure options , Monolithic Stair setting , More Tools flyout Move To nd option Move tool moving elements , in groups , with nearby elements nudging with temporary dimensions , between worksets , mullions MultiCategory tags ,
MultiDay sun settings , multicategory schedules , multipitch roofs Multiple Alignment option , multiple buildings on shared site plans , ,
Multiple Copy or Array command , multiple massing design options muntins
chairs detail components families , groups , , links ,
New dialog door tags , parametric mass family creation , New Area Plan dialog New Drafting View dialog New Pattern dialog New Schedule dialog No Edge option , nonimage based materials nonlinear sections , nonstraight segments , Nosing Length setting , Nosing Profile setting , note block schedules , notes keynotes. See keynotes text , nudging elements , numbering keynotes , revisions , NURBS shape NURBS surfaces
Object Styles dialog
Annotation Objects tab , floor plans , for graphic consistency , graphics rules Imported Objects tab Model Object tab , revision clouds standard families , offsets
Open dialog auditing files , libraries
Open Stringer Offset setting , optimizing. See troubleshooting and optimizing tips Options bar parts , railings orientation
D views , fill patterns imported site data , tags , walls ,
Origintoorigin option origins groups linked files orienting , rotation overconstrained objects , Overhang parameter , overlapping items rooms walls , overrides. See Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog ownership of elements , ,
Paint tool Palladio , Andrea , panels curtain ,
SIPs , parameters and parametric elements , ,
D models and families , building , modeling , Annotation object categories , arrays
constraints dimensions door tags , families , imported categories/subcategories linking , mass family creation example , ,
Model Object categories , overriding , shared. See shared parameters subcategories , sun shades type and instance parameters , views , visibility parametric change engines , Partial Explode option , pasting , .pat files , paths keynotes , parametric mass families , sweeps , patterns balusters , custom , fill , , importing , line , PDFs in performance , performance best practices , , recommendations , Perimeter property , periods (.) in type catalog syntax , permissions granting , requesting , perspective views
D , overview , ,
Phase property , Physical tab , Pick option ,
Pick a line and use the Work Plane it was sketched in option Pick a plane option Pick Level Graphics option , Pick Path option parametric mass families , sweeps , Pick Plane option , Pick Supports tool , Pick Walls method , pinning elements , Place by Face mode , Place Mass tool , Place on Face mode , Place Request option , Place Similar tool , Place tab placing balusters mass families , repetitive units , revision clouds , rooms , tags , Plan/RCP option , plan regions , plan views default settings ,
Project Browser views , visibility in , planes. See Work Planes planning projects , plywood positioning imported files , posts , railings , predefined color schemes , predefined profiles , predefining keynotes , preliminary cost estimate schedules , ,
preliminary designs ,
Foundation model. See Foundation model sustainability. See sustainability presentation plans , presenting designs , animated walkthroughs , ,
colorcoded plans and sections , ,
drawings with shadows , elevations , exporting perspective views , rendering , previewing custom walls , sun studies , primary design set options , primary range for floor plans , principles of modeling. See modeling principles printing
D services , Design Review in performance , problem solving designs Profile Family template , profiles
D content , ,
project parameters ,
project standards worksets , Project Units dialog projection graphics properties elements rooms , prototyping , Publish Coordinates option publishing to Design Review , Purge unused dialog , Purge Unused Elements dialog , Pyramid Mass family
quantities for design options
radial arrays radial dimensions , Radius setting arrays cylinder mass elements Rafter property , Rafter Cut property , railings , in auditoriums , balusters per tread on stairs , construction main pattern , miscellaneous controls , post settings , rails subelements and principles , on walls , rapid prototyping , raytracing , RCP (Reflected Ceiling Plan) view , Read Convention setting , recessed walls , hip roofs following Rectangular Handrail profile , recycled materials , Reference Label settings , Reference Lines
Reference Planes Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP) view , regions filled , , masking Rehost elements , Related to Mass property , relationships bidirectional , building mass and underlying mass
Relative keynote path method , relinquishing permissions , reloading groups , links , Remove from Group tool , renaming dimension types , door tags materials , text type , rendering , background best practices
Design bar , families , lighting , materials , raytracing , rentable area calculations , plans , schedules , making , on sheets , repetitive details and elements , creating and placing , ,
, floors groups , for line types
Report Shared Coordinates option requesting permissions , resizing elements , Restore All Excluded option ,
reusing details , Reveal Hidden Elements mode , reveals , Review Warnings option revision clouds placement , tagging , visibility revision schedules Revision Settings dialog Revisions dialog Revit City service , Revit OpEd blog , revolves , .rfa files , Rhino software , ,
Rich Photorealistic Content (RPC) families
, ridge skylight roofs , Rise/ setting , Riser Thickness setting , Riser to Tread Connection setting , Riser Type setting Roof by Extrusion tool roofs , barrel , bidirectional relationships complex cone dome by extrusion , , ,
by face , flat footprint , gable with asymmetric slopes
Dutch gable with glazed roofs
Dutch gables with extending pergola four sided hip and gable gambrel half hipped , hipped with extruded roof dormers
with sloped arrow dormers with two dormers inplace , in modeling principles , multipitch ridge skylight , shed sloped , sloped arrows , sloped glazing , types , with warped surfaces
Room/Area Reports
Room Bounding property , rooms , area calculations , ,
area plans creating and placing , design options for , groups for , overlapping placing , properties , in section views , selecting , separation lines , settings styles tags , , volume calculations , window surface percentage rotating detail components , elements , , orientation , sweeps RPC (Rich Photorealistic Content) families
Save As dialog animated walkthroughs sun studies Save Group option , Save to Central (STC) dialog saving shared work , sun studies scale coarse scale fill patterns , imported site data , in importing and linking , Scene Lighting dialog schedules capabilities , cost creating , custom parameters graphic appearance of , keynotes , keys , link elements , massing , nested families , preliminary cost estimates , rentable area , on sheets , , technical details , schemes color fill , settings , scope boxes Second end blend setting , section boxes Section Head setting , Section Tail setting , sections and section views colored creating , ,
Project Browser views , rooms in , split tags , walls
segmented sweeps selections , for copying ,
Design Review element editing by floor areas , instances , layers levels , parameters rooms , view templates separation lines , Set Host option , sets , designoption , Settings menu shades shadows and shading , for analytical purposes , enabling , for expressive drawings , ,
High contrast black and white effects materials , performance with SketchUp soft sun sun and shadow studies , shaft opening shapes elevation tags , floors , roofs , Shared Coordinates settings , Shared Levels worksets , Shared Levels and Grids work set , shared parameters creating , ,
Project Browser views , publishing , schedules on , , views on
Shell and Core workset , shortcuts , keyboard , ,
Show Hidden Lines tool , Show option , Show Opening Height option , Show View Name setting , shower fixture shutters , silhouette edge displays SIM (Similar) condition , Simple fill pattern option , Single Day sun settings , SIPs (structurally insulated panels) , site data , site studies Site work set , size elements , text , type catalogs for , Sketch D Path option , sketch based design , floors , ,
Work Planes , sketch mode ,
SketchUp software , skins , exterior SKP format importing and linking , with SketchUp , skylight roofs , skylights , slicing volumes Sloped Glazing Curtain Panel type , slopes
slope arrows for , sloped arrow dormers , hipped roofs with ,
, sloped glazing roofs , smart workflows groups. See groups links. See links and linking repetitive elements , snap distance for dimension lines , soft shadows Solid Form options solid panels , solid shapes characteristics , with extrusions Sorting tab , Sorting/Grouping tab Space parameter for railings , Spacebar for rotation Spacing detail option , Specify Coordinates at a Point option Split Face tool Split Region tool Split Segment tool , splitting layers , lines and walls Spread Pattern To Fit setting stacked walls , Stafford , Steve , Stair Calculator dialog stairs balusters per tread , properties , standard families , Start angle revolve setting startup tips , static text , Still settings for sun studies .stl files , String Reference Planes Stringer Carriage Height setting , Stringer Left/Right setting , structurally insulated panels (SIPs) , Structure option for wall layers ,
dimensions , lines , objects. See Object Styles dialog rooms subcategories , submodels Subscription Support , Substrate option for wall layers , subtractive profiles , sun and shadow studies , ,
, animated , , exporting making , multiday previewing , settings time of day , time of year , truecolor shading
Sun Shade family , sun shades sunlight , rendering , sunny vs. overcast days , supplemental drawings , surfaces materials ,
NURBS units warped sustainability , in architecture , energy analysis , ,
LEED rating system , recycled materials , sun studies. See sun and shadow studies window surface percentage vs. room area
Symbol setting ,
Symbol at End / Default settings , symbolic lines , system families , , System Panel Glazed panel , System Panel Solid panel ,
Tab Size setting , tables , revision , tags adding , changing values custom , , ,
doors , loading , mass , placing , revision clouds , rooms , , untagged elements , in views , visibility walls tail graphics in section tags , Tangent Joins tool , teams communication with , organizing , templates creating , custom D content custom title blocks , family fill patterns , in performance , strategies , views , temporary dimensions , testing design options text
for graphic consistency , section view tags stairs , in views , text notes , , . See also keynotes texture maps , Thermal/Air option , Thickness column for wall layers , Thickness/Height of Stringers setting ,
D DWF option D models conceptual , importing , context custom content. See custom D content details annotations , creating , physical , printing services , D views axonometric , orienting , perspective , section boxes in /GB switch , tick marks , Tile option , title blocks custom , revision tracking in updates in , TMY (Typical Meteorological Year ) data , toolbars , Top setting blends , railings , Top view range for floor plans tower shapes tracking changes ,
Design Review. See Design Review parametric modeling and supplemental drawings , revisions , tracking recycled materials , Trajectory Segmentation option
transferring colorfill schemes , transparency elevation views , filled regions Tread Thickness setting , Trim Stringers at Top setting , trimming lines and walls , railings , troubleshooting and optimizing tips , best practices , , blends file corruption , performance , resources for , startup tips , true color elevations Truss property , Twisting blend setting ,
D DWF option , D elements , importing , D line based families , ,
types and type catalogs , ,
D content. See custom D content creating loadable loading from parameters , in project environment , syntax , units ,
Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) data ,
Unbounded Height property , Underline setting , Underside of Winder setting unenclosed room errors units settings type catalogs , Unjoin Geometry option unloading links , unused DWGs and views , unused elements in performance , unloading , updates building area schedules , in title blocks , Upper Limit property , usable area calculations ,
Use Baluster Per Tread On Stairs option Use Common Edge Style option , Use Function option , Use Landing Height Adjustment option Use OpenGL Hardware Acceleration option , Use overlay planes to improve performance option , Use Project Settings option , user interface
Design bar , ,
Design Review , Options bar , Project Browser. See Project Browser View window , user keynotes ,
Variable property variations to group instances , vaults verifying designs , programs Vertical tag orientation , vertices , blend video card options View Control bar view depth floor plans , in performance , plan views section views View/Floor Plan tool , view tags , callouts , elevation , grid , levels section , View window , views , annotating default settings dependent , drafting , elevation tags , importing , keynotes in lists of , in performance perspective , plan default settings ,
Project Browser views , visibility in ,
Project Browser. See Project Browser on sheets for sketches , templates , worksets ,
visibility chairs , conditional details , extrusions link , mass elements , revision clouds and tags
Work Planes work sharing files ,
Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog
CAD details , cost schedules design options exterior skins , fill patterns , graphics , imported CAD files , line patterns , mass elements , Project Browser views , room elements , room separation lines schedules , site data , work sets work sharing files
Void Form options void shapes , Void Sweep option , volume rooms , slicing units ,
curtain , designing , doors and windows panels custom , default wrapping , layers , preview window , defaults , disjoining finish materials , functions , host based families in place join editing layer join cleanup , levels of detail in modeling principles , offsetting overlapping , railings on , rotating , sections details , keynotes for , splitting stacked , sweeps and reveals , tags , trimming and extending , wrapping warnings reviewing tags warped surfaces Weak Reference Planes Weld setting , width
groups. See groups links. See links and linking repetitive elements , work sets , work sets , , moving elements between , organization , in performance , permissions worksharing , basics , element ownership , mistakes in , in performance , saving shared work , workflows , work set methods. See work sets wrapping walls Wraps column for wall layers