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Autodesk Revit Tutorial Headlines

Friday, August 15, 2008

Changing "columns" to "structural columns" in Revit

Applies To:

  • Revit 2008,2009. May apply to other versions


How can I change an architectural column to a structural column?

Suggested Solution:

  1. Select the column.
  2. Select "Edit Family" and open the family for editing.
  3. Select "Settings" on the top menu bar, then select "Family Categories and Parameters"
  4. A check box at the bottom that reads "Automatically joins geometry to walls" - Uncheck this box.
  5. You can then change the family category to structural from this same dialogue box.
  6. Reload the column into your project. All columns of that type upgrade to structural columns and "detach" themselves from the walls etc.

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