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Autodesk Revit Tutorial Headlines

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Using the Project Browser in Revit

There are a number of ways to navigate through a Revit project. As you start working in real projects, the number of views and drawings that accumulate will become quite large. Being able to find your views and effectively move between them is critical to support an effective workflow. We’ll look at the various methods of moving between views, best practices, and how to customize the display of these views using the Project Browser.

A view is a graphical way to look at the database of information you’re creating. Plan, section, schedule table, 3D view—all of these are just different ways to look at and query the same under- lying database of information that describes your building. Revit organizes all the views of your project in the Project Browser. Your plans, sections, elevations, 3D views, and schedules are all stored there. Double-clicking a view name opens the view in the View window. When you close a window, you don’t need to save first—it’s always accessible from the Project Browser.
The default organization is based on the view type, which is why the views are divided into sep- arate nodes in the tree. The default organization when all the nodes are collapsed looks like this:
With a node expanded, right-click a view name to access additional options for any view. From this menu, you can open views, rename them, duplicate them, and apply view templates.

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